Associazione Italiana Calorimetria e Analisi Termica
English Italiano

Article 1

The "ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA DI CALORIMETRIA E ANALISI TERMICA (AICAT)" (Italian Association for Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis) is established in Rome, as its legal seat.

Article 2

The AICAT has a scientific character and aims at promoting and strengthening the studies of Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis as well as improving and diffusing methods and techniques used for these studies by all means which the Association Governing Bodies may deem opportune.

In order to achieve these aims the Association promotes and supports in particular all the initiatives fit to foster contacts and exchange among researchers of various disciplines who devote their studies to calorimetry and thermal analysis. Furthermore, the Association entertains relationships and organizes initiatives with those scientific and cultural organizations operating in similar or analogous fields of interest, both in Italy and abroad, in particular with the Società Chimica Italiana (Italian Chemical Society) and, at international level, with the International Confederation for Thermal Analysis, ICTA.

The Association is a non-profit-making organization.

Article 3

The AICAT patrimony consists of funds coming from Member’s / Partner’s contributions, donations and properties that may be acquired/purchased with those funds.

Article 4

Any person interested in its aims may enrol in the Association applying for subscription provided the request is supported by at least two Members / Partners.

The application is subject to approval by the Board of Directors, with the right of appeal to the Assembly, according to the Association Regulations. The Assembly establishes the inscription fee.

Members / Partners may lose their membership / partnership in the following events:

1 - automatically, contribution payment in arrears beyond two years;

2 - following an Assembly resolution due to the Member’s / Partner’s behaviour prejudicial of the interest and prestige of the Association;

3 - decease or resignation.

Article 5

Any public or private organization, whose application is approved by the Board of Directors, with the right of appeal to the Assembly, may subscribe.

Subscription is subject to payment of the membership / partnership fee, according to the Regulations.

Every Member / Partner Organization may be represented within the Assembly by one person, with the right of one vote only on behalf of the Organization.

Membership / Partnership rights are lost in the same cases listed under Article 4 of the present statutes.

Article 6

The AICAT Governing Bodies are:

  • the Members / Partners Assembly;
  • the President;
  • the Board of Directors.

Article 7

The ordinary Assembly of the Members / Partners is convened by the President at least once a year possibly on the occasion of one of the scientific meetings organized by AICAT to pursue its statutory functions. The Assembly listens and approved the President’ s Report on the Association upcoming year’s activities; examines the final budget of the last year for approval as well as the proposed budget for the following year.

The right to vote is limited to the Members / Partners whose membership’s / partnership’s fee has been paid.

Extraordinary Assembly may be convened by the President upon request of the Board of Directors or at least 20% of the Members / Partners.

The Assembly is validly established at its first call when at least one half of the Members / Partners is present. If the legal presence is not achieved, the Assembly is called a second time even on the same day, but at a different hour, and it can resolve no matter the number of Members / Partners present, provided this is explicitly declared in the Assembly call. Members / Partners may be represented at the Assembly by proxy, and every Member / Partner may not accept more than two proxy.

Every resolution of the ordinary and extraordinary Assembly is adopted by simple majority of the voting delegates present (abstentions are excluded in the calculation of the majority), with the exception of the voting regarding amendments to the Statutes which must be taken by the majority of two thirds of the voting Members / Partners present. Amendments to the Statutes, which may be proposed by the Board of Directors or at least 10% of the Members / Partners, must be communicated to the Members / Partners at least thirty day before the Assembly called to decide on the matter.

Article 8

The Board of Directors consists of the President, the retiring President and five Members / Partners, one of them performing the functions of Secretary and one the functions of Treasurer, selected according to the procedure set forth in the Regulations.

The President is the legal representative of the Association, chairs the meetings of the Board of Directors, takes care that the Assembly and Board of Directors’ resolutions are practically fulfilled. In case of the President’s absence or impediment, the eldest member of the Board shall carry out these tasks.

The Secretary keeps the reports of all the meetings, up-dates the list of Members / Partners, takes care of the correspondence and diffuses information regarding the Association activities.

The Treasurer takes care of the income and expenditures of the Association, requests and collects the Member’s / Partner’s contributions, provides to the payment of expenses, prepares the draft budget and the work plan to be submitted the examination of the Board of Directors, then to the approval of the Financial Auditors and to the Member’s / Partner’s Assembly.

Article 9

The President is elected by secret ballot by the Member’s / Partner’s Assembly for a three-year term of office. The President is eligible for immediate re-election only once. Within the Board of Directors the President’s vote is preferential in case of equality.

The members of the Board of Directors are elected by the Member’s / Partner’s Assembly by secret ballot and are appointed for three years; they are eligible for immediate re-election only once. Calling to become part of the Board the first non-elected members provides holidays.

Article 10

The social and financial year of the Association starts on 1st January and ends on 31st December every year.

For each financial year, on request of at least two Members / Partners, the Assembly appoints two Financial Auditors and one Temporary Auditor, who report to the Assembly on the financial outcome of the Association and on the budgets submitted to the Board of Directors.

Article 11

To decide about the Association dissolution and devolution of its patrimony the favourable vote of at least three-fourth of the associates is necessary, expressed by a referendum called by the Board of Directors, prior approval by the majority of the Member’s / Partner’s Assembly. The President of the Tribunal, according to Art. 11 disp. di att., appoints one or more liquidators of the Civil Law



AICAT Project Group